
Fire Drill At 1:00pm today

Fire Drill At 1:00pm today!  Now proceed to today's blog and be ready at a little before one.  ;-)
Ms. L.


Burger Bucks

Parents are often more than happy to point out how much cheaper things were when they were a kid. This is referred to as the “when I was a kid,” syndrome. Even my mom likes to tell me about the diner she went to in the 1950’s. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard the story about how you could get a "Burger, fries, and a drink, and change back from a dollar!" She remembers the burgers alone only cost 29 cents. Now, keep in mind that although there were daily specials, there was no such thing as a “meal deal.”

Nowadays a burger, small fries, and a small drink from a fast-food chain (all purchased separately like my mom had to do,) will cost you $5.57. A burger alone is $2.89 cents and the fries will run you about $1.29. I have to agree that sure seems more expensive!

So using this information, how much was the whole meal in the 1950’s?

How much was just a drink in the 1950’s?

How much were just the fries in the 1950’s?

Make sure to explain how you found your costs in the 1950’s. Your explanation should be so clear anyone could solve this kind of problem.

What math concept have you learned in class that helps you solve this problem?

Make sure to organize your data in a manner that is easy for people to compare the costs.

If the increased cost of these items were exactly the same as the 60 year period from above, how much will those same food items cost you in 2070?